Worldwide and International Holiday Calendar
There are not many things in life people agree about. So, if a holiday is called a worldwide or international one, and people agree to celebrate, or commemorate something at the global level, it means that this holiday (or commemoration) is based on things that are REALLY important. We’re sure that you don’t want to miss anything important, so we give you a complete list of Holidays and Special days observed all over the world.
List of Holidays celebrated around the world for 2025-2026 years
March 2025
Sunday 16 March -
International Adolescent Health Week (Being a part of International Adolescent Health Week is easy! Wear lime green or share lime green giveaways and prizes all week long);
World Sleep Day (is an annual event, intended to be a celebration of sleep and a call to action on important issues related to sleep, including medicine, education, social aspects and driving. It is organized by the World Sleep Day Committee of World Sleep Society [founded by WASM and WSF] and aims to lessen the burden of sleep problems on society through better prevention and management of sleep disorders. World Sleep Day is held the Friday before Spring Vernal Equinox of each year)
Saturday 29 March -
World Piano Day (a annual worldwide event founded by a group of likeminded people, takes place on the 88th day of the year – because of the number of keys on the instrument being celebrated)
April 2025
Thursday 17 April -
Malbec World Day (Malbec is a purple grape variety used in making red wine. MWD is celebrated to commemorate the day when president Domingo Faustino Sarmiento of Argentina officially made it his mission to transform Argentina's wine industry. On that day, back in 1853, he tasked Michel Aimé Pouget, a French soil expert, to bring over new vines);
International Pizza Cake Day;
World Hemophilia Day Saturday 19 April -
World Bicycle Day (The events of the first LSD trip in April 19, 1943, now known as “Bicycle Day”, after the bicycle ride home, proved to Hofmann that he had indeed made a significant discovery: a psychoactive substance with extraordinary potency, capable of causing significant shifts of consciousness in incredibly low doses);
World Circus Day (On the third Saturday of April);
International Cat Lady Day May 2025
Sunday 4 May -
World Give Day (is one day a year when people all over the world come together to support the causes they care about most. Whether you donate to your favorite non-profit, a person in your community, or give some of your time, World Give Day is a day to focus on giving back);
World Laughter Day (was created in 1998 by Dr. Madan Kataria, founder of th worldwide Laughter Yoga movemen);
International Firefighters’ Day June 2025
Monday 2 June -
International Sex Workers Day (In 1975, on 2nd June, about 100 sex workers occupied Saint-Nizier Church in Lyon, France, to express their anger about their criminalised and exploitative living conditions. On 10th June at 5 o'clock the Church was brutally raided and cleared by police forces. This action sparked a national movement, and the day is now celebrated in Europe and around the world);
World Responsible Tourism Day (Celebrated since 2012 on the first working day of June);
World Eating Disorders Action Day Monday 9 June -
Coral Triangle Day (The CTD was first held on June 10, 2012, as a regional interpretation of World Oceans Day. During the 8th Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security (a multilateral partnership to safeguard the Coral Triangle's marine and coastal biological resources) Senior Official Meeting, member countries declared to designate the Coral Triangle Day to be held annually. The region covers the exclusive economic zones of six countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and Timor-Leste);
International Accreditation Day;
International Archives Day (International Council on Archives)
Monday 23 June -
International Women in Engineering Day (National Women in Engineering Day was launched for the first time in the UK on 23 June 2014 by the Women’s Engineering Society (WES) to celebrate its 95th anniversary. Since that launch in 2014 the day has grown enormously over the subsequent years to the point where it received UNESCO patronage in 2016. In 2017, National Women in Engineering Day became international for the first time due to the interest and enthusiasm developed by the international audience and participants in the previous years);
International Dravet Syndrome Day;
International Widows’ Day July 2025
Thursday 17 July -
World Day for International Justice (International, also referred to as Day of International Criminal Justice or International Justice Day);
World Emoji Day (International is an unofficial holiday. Celebrated annually since 2014, NBC reported that the day was Twitter's top trending item on July 17 in 2015);
International Firgun Day (In 2014, Made in JLM, an Israeli non-profit community group, set out to create "International Firgun Day", a holiday celebrated yearly on July 17, where people share compliments or express genuine pride in the accomplishment of others on social media)
August 2025
Tuesday 12 August -
World Elephant Day (Conceived in 2011 by Canadian filmmakers Patricia Sims and Michael Clark of Canazwest Pictures, and Sivaporn Dardarananda, Secretary-General of the Elephant Reintroduction Foundation in Thailand, it was officially founded, supported and launched by Patricia Sims and the Elephant Reintroduction Foundation on August 12, 2012);
International Youth Day Sunday 24 August -
International Strange Music Day (The celebration was conceived by Patrick Grant, a musician from New York City. The goal of the festival is simple: to encourage people to play and listen to music that we may not yet appreciate enough);
Go Topless Day (celebrated in the nearest to Sunday 26 August)
September 2025
October 2025
November 2025
December 2025
January 2026
February 2026
Tuesday 10 February -
World Pulses Day (UN: A/RES/73/251. Dried beans, lentils and peas are the most commonly known and consumed types of pulses. Pulses are a type of leguminous crop that are harvested solely for the dry seed.)
March 2026
How to celebrate Worldwide Holidays
Most such holidays are intended to unite people from different culture by focusing on issues that matter to everyone.