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CalendarJune7 → World Parkour Day

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World Parkour Day

World Parkour Day is held on June 7. This event in the first decade of the month June is annual. Help us Help us 
7 June - World Parkour Day
Parkour is a sport or physical discipline of French origin, which consists of overcoming obstacles in the shortest possible time during a tour of urban spaces, such as walls, fences and stairs. To do so, the skills of the human body are used, through physical dexterity and motor skills. Parkour is an activity that can be practiced alone or with others. It is estimated that parkour originated as a discipline developed by French naval lieutenant George Hebert in 1902.
June 7th is celebrated as World Parkour Day, a physical discipline that is practiced in various parts of the world, characterized by fluidity and dexterity of movement, transmitting pure adrenaline, energy, freedom and passion for this sport that fosters creativity, confidence and healthy coexistence.
In 2018 World Parkour Championship was held in Mardin where Erik Mukhametshin won the 1st position in both events of men speed and freestyle.

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