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CalendarMarch3 → Clean Monday

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Clean Monday

Clean Monday is held on March 3. Also known as Pure Monday, Ash Monday, Monday of Lent or Green Monday, is the first day of Great Lent throughout Eastern Christianity. This event in the first decade of the month March is annual. Help us Help us 
3 March - Clean Monday
“Kathara Deftera,” Greek for “Clean Monday,” is considered one of the most important annual feasts in Greece and Cyprus (an official public holiday), commencing the 40-day period of Great Lent. Clean Monday , also known as Pure Monday, Ash Monday, Monday of Lent or Green Monday, is the first day of Great Lent throughout Eastern Christianity.
It is celebrated with outdoor excursions, the consumption of shellfish and other fasting food, a special kind of azyme bread, baked only on that day, named "lagana" and the widespread custom of flying kites.

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