International Rabbit Day
International Rabbit Day is held on September 28. Held on the fourth Saturday in September. This event in the third decade of the month September is annual. Help us
They can live for up to 12 years. A single bunny is a lonely bunny. They're masters of hearing. Their eyesight isn't bad either. Rabbits communicate using a secret code. Well, it’s not actually a secret code, but you could be forgiven for thinking it is because their body movements are so subtle. Rabbits clench their facial muscles and change their body position when they are feeling worried; signs you wouldn’t notice if you weren’t looking out for them. This is one of the main reasons they’re so often misunderstood and don't get the correct care.
Without question, rabbits always deserve a good scratch behind the ears, but once a year they get their very own excuse for a little extra pampering. International Rabbit Day is celebrated on the fourth Saturday or Sunday every September. The first every celebration of the International Rabbit Day happened on the 4th Saturday of September in 1998. According to some records, the occasion started in the United Kingdom. From there, it spread to Australia and then to the rest of the world.
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