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CalendarSeptember5 → World Sibling Day

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World Sibling Day

World Sibling Day is held on September 5. This event in the first decade of the month September is annual. Help us Help us 
5 September - World Sibling Day
In most of the world's cultures, siblings grow up together in childhood, youth and adolescence, three very important stages in our lives, receiving the same education and training. But, on the other hand, siblings are considered to be those people who do not have blood ties between them, but who maintain a close and affectionate relationship. Likewise, some religions call "brothers" to the people who are part of it.
The choice of September 5 as the World Brother's Day is due to the date of death of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, who dedicated her life to carry out several social works around the world and died in 1997 in India, at the age of 87. Recall that April 10 is also International Sibling Day, celebrated in parts of the United States and Canada, as well as Sibling Day on May 31 in Europe, which celebrates sibling relationships. Siblings Days are celebrated also in India.
Mother Teresa of Calcutta was born on August 26, 1910 in Uskup (Ottoman Empire), today's Skopje (Macedonia). She died on September 5, 1997 in Calcutta (India). She was the leader and foundress of the Missionaries of Charity and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate in 1979. In 2016, she was declared a Saint by Pope Francis.
This woman of Albanian origin and later naturalized Indian, was the founder of the congregation of the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta in 1950. Together with her religious sisters, she brought peace and tranquility to many needy and destitute people in the world.

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