Calendar of Environmental Holidays
Our planet’s calendar of environmental holidays includes global events and dates that draw attention to important ecological issues of plants, animals, atmosphere, earth, and water. Yes, we know that you know that there is such holiday as Earth Day. But did you know about nearly 100 other environmental dates designated by UN and various other organizations to appreciate environment and create awareness of environmental issues?
Here’s a list of all significant global, international and national green holidays to celebrate virtually every day. And every day is a good day to honor and protect our planet.
List of green holidays held all around the world for 2025-2026 years
March 2025
Saturday 15 March -
Buzzards Day (Buzzards are another word for turkey vultures, a species of vulture protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918)
April 2025
May 2025
Sunday 4 May -
Greenery Day in Japan (みどりの日 - Until 1988, April 29 was celebrated as the birthday of Emperor Showa. It was decided to keep this day a holiday even after his passing away in January 1989 and to name it Greenery Day because of the late Emperor's love of nature. In 2007, April 29 became Showa Day, and Greenery Day was moved to May 4);
Bird Day June 2025
Monday 9 June -
Coral Triangle Day (The CTD was first held on June 10, 2012, as a regional interpretation of World Oceans Day. During the 8th Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security (a multilateral partnership to safeguard the Coral Triangle's marine and coastal biological resources) Senior Official Meeting, member countries declared to designate the Coral Triangle Day to be held annually. The region covers the exclusive economic zones of six countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, and Timor-Leste);
Animal Rights Awareness Week ( Begins from the third week of June)
Friday 27 June -
World Microbiome Day (was launched by the APC Microbiome Ireland. Microbiomes are communities of bacteria, fungi and virus that are found everywhere, from inside our bodies to soil and water)
July 2025
August 2025
Tuesday 12 August -
World Elephant Day (Conceived in 2011 by Canadian filmmakers Patricia Sims and Michael Clark of Canazwest Pictures, and Sivaporn Dardarananda, Secretary-General of the Elephant Reintroduction Foundation in Thailand, it was officially founded, supported and launched by Patricia Sims and the Elephant Reintroduction Foundation on August 12, 2012)
Friday 22 August -
Ecological Debt Day (It started in 1987... The New Economics Foundation calculates the calendar day of Ecological Debt Day by using the following formula: [world biocapacity/world ecological footprint] x 365)
September 2025
October 2025
November 2025
December 2025
January 2026
Saturday 10 January -
Houseplant Appreciation Day (was established by The Gardener’s Network, establishing an official opportunity to remind people of the benefits of houseplants. Having plants in your home or office can do a great deal to lift your mood and improve your quality of life. For example, a 2009 study showed that the scent of lavender can effectively lower pulse rates in stressful situations)
February 2026
March 2026
How to celebrate green holidays
There are many ways to celebrate green holidays. Some do it with demonstrations and posters, which is good, but the best way to do it is to try to live our lives as sustainably as possible on a daily basis. There are many things we can do to help make the world safer for future generations.
Here are some tips to reduce your carbon footprint and be eco-friendly every day:
- Buy a hybrid car or make the journey by foot, bike or public transport as often as you can
- Limit meat consumption whenever possible and don’t waste food
- Use reusable shopping bags every time you go shopping
- Switch to eco-friendly home cleaning products
- Try to cut out plastic and recycle everything
- Use LED light bulbs and insulate your home to conserve energy
- Add solar panels to your roof
- Plant some trees