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Holiday Calendar for Poland

Holiday Calendar for Poland for 2025-2026 year
Poland observes public holidays, enshrined in the country’s law as well as the nation’s tradition dear - one way or another - to every Pole. Overview of holidays and many observances in Poland. Help us Help us 

National traditions, public holidays and notable observances for 2025-2026 year

February 2025

March 2025

Friday 21 March - Truant's Day (Poland, Faroe Islands)

April 2025

Sunday 6 April - ABW Day in Poland (Polish counter-intelligence agency's - ABW - holiday, celebrated since 2004)
Friday 18 April - Coma Patients' Day in Poland (Dzień Pacjenta w Śpiączce)
Monday 21 April - Dyngus Day (It is very popular in Poland, as well as in Polish communities across America)
Friday 25 April - Day of Prison Guards in Poland (the date refers to the events of 1926)
Saturday 26 April - International Sculpture Day (Held on the last Saturday of April)

May 2025

Thursday 1 May - Majówka (is a spring festival celebrated throughout Europe); EU Accession Day in Poland; May Crownings or the Virgin Mary Month (Catholic Church tradition); International Workers’ Day (May Day)
Friday 2 May - Flag Day in Poland (Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej)
Thursday 8 May - Victory Day in Poland and Czech (Narodowy Dzień Zwycięstwa in Poland established in 2015; Liberation Day in Czech Republic)
Friday 9 May - Europe Day (is the name of two annual observance days, 5 May by the Council of Europe and 9 May by the European Union, which recognize the peace and prosperity within Europe that both have achieved since their formation)

June 2025

Monday 23 June - Father's Day in Nicaragua and Poland; St John's Eve and the first day of the Midsummer celebrations (Roman Catholic Church, Europe: - Bonfires of Saint John in Spain; Festa del Poble in Andorra; First night of Festa de São João do Porto; First day of Golowan Festival in Cornwall; Jaaniõhtu in Estonia; Jāņi in Latvia; Kupala Night in Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Ukraine; Last day of Drăgaica fair in Buzău, Romania)

July 2025

Friday 11 July - National Day of Remembrance of Victims of the Genocide Committed by Ukrainian Nationalists on Citizens of the Second Polish Republic (Narodowy Dzień Pamięci Ofiar Ludobójstwa dokonanego przez ukraińskich nacjonalistów na obywatelach II Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, set on the anniversary of the "bloody sunday" in Volhynia, the culmination of the massacres of Poles in Volhynia, established in 2016)
Thursday 24 July - Poland Police Day (Święto Policji)

August 2025

Saturday 2 August - Genocide Remembrance Day of the Roma and Sinti in Poland (Dzień Pamięci o Zagładzie Romów i Sinti, set on the anniversary of the Roma and Sinti exterminaton at Auschwitz concentration camp, established in 2011)
Friday 15 August - Armed Forces Day in Poland; Feast day of the Assumption of Mary (Christian feast day, one of the Catholic holy days of obligation a public holiday in Austria, Belgium, Benin, Bosnia, Burundi, Cameroon, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, Italy, Ivory Coast, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malta, Mauritius, Monaco, Paraguay, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Senegal, Seychelles, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Togo, and Vanuatu)

September 2025

October 2025

Friday 3 October - World Multiplication Table Day (Held on the first Friday in October)
Saturday 4 October - Animals' Day in Poland (Dzień Zwierząt, established in 2006); World Animal Day

November 2025

Tuesday 11 November - Civil Service Day in Poland (celebrated since 2000); Independence Day of Poland (de. Polen Unabhängigkeit)
Sunday 16 November - Foreign Service Day in Poland (Dzień Służby Zagranicznej RP)

December 2025

Saturday 6 December - Mikołajki in Poland (on December 6 - on this day Santa Claus gives sweets to children)
Friday 26 December - St. Stephen's Day (public holiday in Alsace, Austria, Andorra, Catalonia, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Ireland, Luxembourg, Poland, Slovakia and Switzerland); Second day of Christmas (Western Christianity. Public holiday in the Netherlands, Poland, Norway); Day after Christmas
Wednesday 31 December - Sylwester in Poland (In many countries, New Year's Eve is celebrated at evening social gatherings, where many people dance, eat, drink alcoholic beverages, and watch or light fireworks to mark the new year)

January 2026

Sunday 25 January - The bird wedding (is an annual custom known in some European regions, but especially in the Sorbs in Lusatia. Here it is called Lower Sorbian Ptaškowa swajźba and Upper Sorbian Ptači kwas)

February 2026

Sunday 8 February - Penitentiary Service Day in Poland (Prison service was established in 1919 and a Polish prison designated on February 8 (from 2011) pursuant to the Act on the Prison Service of April 9, 2010)
Saturday 14 February - Epilepsy Day in Poland (It was launched on 14th 2009 in the form of an event in Warsaw); Valentine’s Day
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