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CalendarOctober14 → National Education Day in Poland

October 14 Events

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National Education Day in Poland

National Education Day in Poland is held on October 14. Formerly Teachers' Day. This event in the second decade of the month October is annual. Help us Help us 
14 October - National Education Day in Poland
National Education Day (Dzień Edukacji Narodowej) - Polish celebration of education and higher education established on April 27, 1972, defined by the Act - the Charter of Teachers' Rights and Responsibilities as the Teacher's Day. Since 1982, under the Teacher's Charter Act, it has been celebrated as the National Education Day.
It commemorates the anniversary of the establishment of the National Education Commission, which was established on the initiative of King Stanisław II August Poniatowski and implemented by the Partition Parliament on October 14, 1773. Colloquially, this day is still called the Teacher's Day.

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