CalendarOctober20 → Pediatrician Day in Argentine

Pediatrician Day in Argentine

Pediatrician Day in Argentine is held on October 20. This event in the second decade of the month October is annual.
The Pediatrician Day is celebrated in Argentina in honor of the creation of the Argentine Society of Pediatrics. Time period: 1911 - present, city: Buenos Aires.
October 20 was chosen as the Day of the Pediatrician in commemoration of the founding of the Society of Pediatrics in Argentina, in 1973, during the World Congress of Pediatrics at that time.

Similar holidays and events, festivals and interesting facts

Respiratory Therapists Week in Canada on October 20 (Held in the last week of October);
International Pediatrics Day on October 20 (The Day of Pediatrics or Día Internacional de Pediatría was instituted in 1973, during the World Congress of Pediatrics held in Argentina, in commemoration of the founding of Argentine Pediatric Society);
National Veterinary Technician Week in USA on October 20 (sponsored by the National Association of Veterinary Technicians of America);
Internation Lead Poisoning Prevention Week on October 20 (Held from Sunday to the last full week of October);