CalendarJanuary1 → Public Domain Day

Public Domain Day

Public Domain Day is held on January 1. Multiple countries. This event in the first decade of the month January is annual.
The public domain is part of the common cultural and intellectual heritage of humanity and is the major source of inspiration, imagination and discovery for creators. Works in the public domain are not subject to any restrictions and may be freely used without permission for commercial and non-commercial purposes.
Each January 1st is Public Domain Day, where a new crop of works have their copyrights expire and become free to enjoy, share, and reuse for any purpose. Due to differing copyright laws around the world, there is no one single public domain, but there are three definitions which cover most cases.

Similar holidays and events, festivals and interesting facts

Doce uvas on December 31 (the Spanish New Year's tradition of eating twelve grape varieties, one for each of the twelve clock strokes by midnight, subsequently spread in such Spanish-speaking countries as Mexico, Bolivia, Venezuela, Ecuador, El Salvador, Peru, Colombia, Puerto Rico, Nicaragua, Costa Rica et al);
The first day of the Carnival of Riosucio on January 2 (celebrated until January 8 every 2 years);