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CalendarJuly10 → Nieces and Nephews Day

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Nieces and Nephews Day

Nieces and Nephews Day is held on July 10. This event in the first decade of the month July is annual. Help us Help us 
10 July - Nieces and Nephews Day
The holiday was conceived and first promoted Facebook user in 2010.
A person who is related by birth. Your nephew is the son of your brother or sister, and your niece is your brother or sister's daughter. Niece ultimately comes from the Latin neptis, meaning “granddaughter.” Of course, in English a niece is not a granddaughter—she's “the daughter of one's sibling.” You share about 25 percent of your DNA with a biological aunt, uncle, niece, or nephew. They have the same roles as the children of the house, that is, they run errands, obey their elders and try to ensure their actions build a good name for the family. In cases where there the nieces and nephews are older, they can help provide care and support for some family members.
Through the unique relationship that exists between aunts and uncles and nieces and nephews, there are many things that you can do to be a positive influence in your niece or nephew's life.

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