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CalendarAugust10 → Missouri Statehood Day

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Missouri Statehood Day

Missouri Statehood Day is held on August 10. 1821. This event in the first decade of the month August is annual. Help us Help us 
10 August - Missouri Statehood Day
Missouri is known as the “Show Me State”. The 'Show Me State' expression may have began in 1899 when Congressman Willard Duncan Vandiver stated, “I'm from Missouri and you've got to show me.” Missouri gets its name from a tribe of Sioux Indians and means 'people with wooden canoes'. Missouri became a state on August 10, 1821. Kansas City, Missouri is only second to Rome in volume of fountains.
A lightning strike on the Missouri capital destroyed the building in 1911. Missouri was a location of the United States' most devastating recorded tornado.
Missouri's culture blends elements of the Midwestern and Southern United States. It is the birthplace of the musical genres ragtime, Kansas City jazz and St. Louis blues. The well-known Kansas City-style barbecue, and the lesser-known St. Louis-style barbecue, can be found across the state and beyond.

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