CalendarOctober20 → Internation Lead Poisoning Prevention Week

Internation Lead Poisoning Prevention Week

Internation Lead Poisoning Prevention Week is held on October 20. Held from Sunday to the last full week of October. This event in the second decade of the month October is annual.
Lead is a well-recognized toxicant that has wide-ranging health impacts, in particular affecting the neurological, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and haematological systems. Young children are particularly vulnerable because they have higher exposures than adults and because lead affects the developing brain, potentially resulting in reduced intellectual ability. The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (1) estimated that in 2019 lead exposure accounted for 0.90 million deaths and 21.7 million years lost to disability and death due to long-term health effects, with the highest burden in developing regions.
This week of action was an initiative of the Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint (the Lead Paint Alliance), which is jointly led by the UN Environment Programme and WHO.
The manufacture and sale of lead paint is still permitted in over 55% of countries, presenting a continuing and future source of lead exposure for children and workers.

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