CalendarFebruary1 → World Read Aloud Day

World Read Aloud Day

World Read Aloud Day is held on February 1. It is a day devoted to the power of literacy and the transformational joy that comes from sharing stories aloud within a family, a classroom, and a community. Founded by the nonprofit LitWorld and sponsored by Scholastic. This event in the first decade of the month February is annual.
Reading Aloud Strengthens Fluency. Reading Aloud Builds Vocabulary. A good read aloud takes time. It is not something that can be rushed or squeezzed in. Discussions need to be had, feelings need to be shared, and predictions have to be made. Reading Aloud Improves Comprehension and Active Listening. Reading Aloud Reduces Stress and Makes Us Happy.
Memory retention was strongest when reading aloud directly, suggesting that the impact came not just from hearing the words, but also speaking them. This is because verbally pronouncing a word creates a memorable experience — a phenomenon the researchers call the “production effect”.
However, reading aloud to your child has many benefits. It helps them develop thinking skills, strengthens their listening skills, and improves literacy skills. Reading aloud is also a great way to build a lasting connection with your little one!

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