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CalendarJuly25 → Student's Day El Salvador

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Student's Day El Salvador

Student's Day El Salvador is held on July 25. Día del estudiante salvadoreño. This event in the third decade of the month July is annual. Help us Help us 
25 July - Student's Day El Salvador
The day of the student is celebrated in El Salvador on July 25. Student's Day commemoration aims to promote solidarity for freedom, democracy and peace. It also aims to promote education, which is one of the basic rights of people.
This date pays tribute to Anita Alvarado, who gave her life by saving two nephews from being burned to death. The children were 7 months old and their older brother was 2 years old. In 1943 they were rescued from a fire by their aunt Anita Alvarado. Tribute is paid to her every year every "July 25" in homage to the birth of the heroine of Cojutepeque.

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