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CalendarDecember10 → Argentina Social Worker Day

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Argentina Social Worker Day

Argentina Social Worker Day is held on December 10. Día del Trabajador Social. This event in the first decade of the month December is annual. Help us Help us 
10 December - Argentina Social Worker Day
Social work is an academic discipline with a degree that promotes development and social cohesion through a set of tools and socio-educational actions to fight inequality and promote the development of people in vulnerable situations.
Since 2012, social workers throughout the country commemorate their commitment to the profession on December 10 as it coincides with Universal Human Rights Day.
Previously they celebrated their vocation every July 2, but the Argentine Federation of Professional Associations of Social Service decided to modify it because that day had a religious meaning that was not correlative with the current principles of the profession and had been proposed in 1961 by social worker Marta Ezcurra, a member of the International Catholic Union of Social Service, to honor the Day of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary to her cousin Saint Elizabeth.
At the World Assembly in Salvador de Bahia (Brazil) held in 2008, the members of the International Federation of Social Workers unanimously decided to set a future date for the celebration of this Day and the chosen date was the third Tuesday of March each year. Until that time, and as is still the case in Argentina, World Social Work Day in European countries was celebrated on the same date as Human Rights Day in December.

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