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CalendarJune28 → National Tapioca Day in USA

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National Tapioca Day in USA

National Tapioca Day in USA is held on June 28. This event in the third decade of the month June is annual. Help us Help us 
28 June - National Tapioca Day in USA
Tapioca is a starch taken from the root of the plant with the scientific name, Manihot esculenta, that is commonly known as cassava. Cassava root, which is also known as manioc or yucca, is native to Brazil and grown widely throughout the Caribbean. Cassava, which is a staple food in many cultures, is long and tuberous with a dark brown skin and a white interior.
Celebrated annually on June 28th, the Tapioca Day is a food holiday that honors tapioca in all its forms as well as cooking and eating various tapioca. Tapioca is often made into desserts; is used as a thickener in liquids; and can be used as a flour in baked goods.

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