National Barbecue Day in USA
National Barbecue Day in USA is held on May 16. This event in the second decade of the month May is annual. Help us
The cooking methods associated with barbecuing vary significantly but most involve outdoor cooking.
Around 64% Of Americans Own a Grill. The word Barbecue come from the Taino tribe's word for grilling on wood! You should never use a barbecue indoors.
This is likely one of the least surprising BBQ facts because of course the biggest BBQ pit is in the Lone Star State. It’s the Undisputable Cuz and it lives in Brenham, Texas. The pit doubles as a truck, it’s 76 feet long, and it is big enough to cook four to six tons of barbecue food at once.
In 1540, Hernando de Soto and the Native Americans enjoyed the first BBQ feast together in what is now Mississippi. American barbecue as we know it was born in the south. Southerners used pigs, because they needed less space and could be let loose when feed was scarce to wander and eat.
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