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CalendarAugust29 → Postman's Day in Guatemala

August 29 Events

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Postman's Day in Guatemala

Postman's Day in Guatemala is held on August 29. This event in the third decade of the month August is annual. Help us Help us 
29 August - Postman's Day in Guatemala
With the surgimiento de tecnologías innovadoras, originadas en la digitalización de la imagen y el envío de mensajes, han surgido nuevas profesiones, en tanto que otras de larga tradición han desaparecido, pero la función del cartero sigue vigente.
The carrier of letters, documents and parcels performs his work of locating the addressee and delivering the dispatches into his hands with the same efficiency and spirit of service as in former times.
Because of the importance of this profession in society, the Gobierno de la República emitted in 1963 an acuerdo por el cualquier se declara el 29 de agosto as Día Nacional del Cartero y Empleado Postal.

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