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CalendarNovember15 → Substitute Educators’ Day in USA

November 15 Events

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Substitute Educators’ Day in USA

Substitute Educators’ Day in USA is held on November 15. It is a initiative of the National Education Association Representative Assembly's New Business Item. This event in the second decade of the month November is annual. Help us Help us 
15 November - Substitute Educators’ Day in USA
According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, there were more than 500,000 substitute teachers in 2020. A Substitute teacher can be appointed for each subject. They Carefully follow a lesson plan provided by the regular class teacher. To celebrate the hard work of substitute teachers every year on November, Substitute Educators Day is celebrated. Substitute Educators Day is celebrated on the 3rd Friday of November every year, American Education Week concludes the recognition of teachers and administrators with the recognition of Substitute Teachers' Day.
The commemoration is intended to increase respect for the substitute educators, it is also a way of advocating substitutions at all educational levels, the day also promotes preparation for school absence and the improvement of the capacity of substitute teachers. Substitute teachers come from all walks of life with backgrounds in math, science, language arts, history, economics and more.

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