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CalendarApril15 → Stoker's Day

April 15 Events

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Stoker's Day

Stoker's Day is held on April 15. It is celebrated in spring, at the end of the heating season. All shifts workers gether in the boiler room to extinguish the boilers and begin to celebrate. The date of this celebration is not fixed. The local authorities decide when to start and when to finish the heating season but usually it hapends not later than April 30 if the average air temperature is above +8 for 3 days in a raw. This event in the second decade of the month April is annual. Help us Help us 
15 April - Stoker's Day
A fireman, stoker or watertender is a person whose occupation it is to tend the fire for the running of a boiler, heating a building, or powering a steam engine.
A mechanical stoker is a mechanical system that feeds solid fuel like coal, coke or anthracite into the furnace of a steam boiler. They are common on steam locomotives after 1900 and are also used on ships and power stations. A good stoker also supplies air for combustion and regulates the rate of burning and, in large installations, disposes of the ashes.
Underfeed principle is suitable for burning the semi- bituminous and bituminous coals. Charging of fuel into the furnace is mechanized by means of stokers of various types. They are installed above the fire doors underneath the bunkers which supply the fuel.

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