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CalendarJuly19 → Trainer's Day in Ukraine

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Trainer's Day in Ukraine

Trainer's Day in Ukraine is held on July 19. Unofficial holiday of sports trainers. For the first time, the idea of this professional sports festival appeared in 1999 among representatives of the Federation of Sports and Rhythmic Gymnastics of Ukraine. This event in the second decade of the month July is annual. Help us Help us 
19 July - Trainer's Day in Ukraine
On January 26, 2021, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the draft Decree of the President of Ukraine "On Coach's Day". Subsequently, on June 24, 2021, Presidential Decree No. 263 / 2021 was signed, which noted "Establish a professional holiday in Ukraine - Coach's Day, which is celebrated annually on July 19." Why exactly July 19? On this day in 1996, Ukraine took part in the Olympic Games for the first time as an independent state and an independent team.

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