La Madunuccia in Ajaccio, Corsica, France
La Madunuccia in Ajaccio, Corsica, France is held on March 18. This event in the second decade of the month March is annual.
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In Corsica, traditions and beliefs are very much alive, and religion is an integral part of culture and everyday life. Throughout the year there are many pilgrimages, processions and masses, which bring together Corsicans and holidaymakers in the same fervor, happy to reconnect with their roots.
Every year, in a festive atmosphere, they celebrate “A Madonuccia” or “La Misericorde” in honor of the Virgin Mary, to whom the miracle of having saved the inhabitants from the plague in the 17th century is attributed.
She has since been the patroness of the city and, in exchange for her protection, the dignitaries of the city perpetuate the "solemn vow of the Magnificent Ancients" made at the time "to celebrate and observe as a city festival the day of the March 18 every year.
But beyond the elected officials, it is of course all the Ajacciens who have since devoted a very special affection to him and still as strong as evidenced by the ceremonies of March 17 and 18 which take place a stone's throw from the hotel.
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