National Frappe Day in USA
National Frappe Day in USA is held on October 7. This event in the first decade of the month October is annual. Help us
The word frappe first appeared in the 1848 edition of American English Dictionary. The name frappé comes from French, where it describes drinks chilled with ice. The frappe is loved internationally. The frappe gained national popularity in 1995, when large retail chains started serving blended, frozen coffee beverages.
The modernized frappe that we love today was actually invented by accident at the International Trade Fair in Thessaloniki, Greece in 1957. Dimitris Vakondios, an employee of the Nestlé company, took a quick break from work to make his instant hot coffee. He realized that he couldn’t find hot water so he decided that using cold water for his coffee was better than having no coffee at all. He added ice, instant coffee and cold water in a shaker, and created Greece’s famous chilled beverage, the Frappé.
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