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CalendarNovember4 → Medical Radiation Technologist Week in Canada

November 4 Events

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Medical Radiation Technologist Week in Canada

Medical Radiation Technologist Week in Canada is held on November 4. November 4 to 11. This event in the first decade of the month November is annual. Help us Help us 
4 November - Medical Radiation Technologist Week in Canada
Medical Radiation Technologist Week is a chance for all MRTs to celebrate and recognize professional accomplishment, and a wonderful opportunity to educate the public and healthcare colleagues about their profession and the essential role they play in medical imaging and therapeutic treatment.
The annual MRT Week celebration, sponsored by the Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists (CAMRT) and its provincial partner organizations, provides an opportunity for medical radiation technologists (MRTs) in Canada to demonstrate pride in their profession, and to convey the important message about the essential link MRTs provide between technology and patients in the healthcare system.

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