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«Lyndon Baines Johnson»

Calendar: «Lyndon Baines Johnson Day in Texas».
39 quotes & wishes. July
Quotes and wishes: «Lyndon Baines Johnson»

Quotes & Wishes - A President’s hardest task A President’s hardest task

A President’s hardest task is not to do what is right, but to know what is right.
Lyndon B. Johnson
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Quotes and wishes: «Lyndon Baines Johnson»

Quotes & Wishes - A common love of human freedom A common love of human freedom

Our society is illuminated by the spiritual insights of the Hebrew prophets. America and Israel have a common love of human freedom, and they have a common faith in a democratic way of life.
Lyndon B. Johnson
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Quotes and wishes: «Lyndon Baines Johnson»

Quotes & Wishes - A cross between a Baptist preacher and a cowboy A cross between a Baptist preacher and a cowboy

You might say that Lyndon Johnson is a cross between a Baptist preacher and a cowboy.
Lyndon B. Johnson
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Quotes & Wishes - A glimpse of the world as it was created A glimpse of the world as it was created

If future generations are to remember us more with gratitude than sorrow, we must achieve more than just the miracles of technology. We must also leave them a glimpse of the world as it was created, not just as it looked when we got through with it.
Lyndon B. Johnson
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Quotes and wishes: «Lyndon Baines Johnson»

Quotes & Wishes - A proclamation but not a fact A proclamation but not a fact

Until justice is blind to color, until education is unaware of race, until opportunity is unconcerned with the color of men’s skins, emancipation will be a proclamation but not a fact.
Lyndon B. Johnson
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Quotes & Wishes - An enduring source of reassurance An enduring source of reassurance

The men who have guided the destiny of the United States have found the strength for their tasks by going to their knees. This private unity of public men and their God is an enduring source of reassurance for the people of America.
Lyndon B. Johnson
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Quotes & Wishes - An escape from poverty An escape from poverty

Poverty must not be a bar to learning and learning must offer an escape from poverty.
Lyndon B. Johnson
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Quotes and wishes: «Lyndon Baines Johnson»

Quotes & Wishes - Being president Being president

Being president is like being a jackass in a hailstorm. There’s nothing to do but to stand there and take it.
Lyndon B. Johnson
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Quotes & Wishes - Building the whole man Building the whole man

I am concerned about the whole man. I am concerned about what the people, using their government as an instrument and a tool, can do toward building the whole man, which will mean a better society and a better world.
Lyndon B. Johnson
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Quotes & Wishes - Cheaply and fast Cheaply and fast

There are plenty of recommendations on how to get out of trouble cheaply and fast. Most of them come down to this: Deny your responsibility.
Lyndon B. Johnson
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Quotes & Wishes - I believe the destiny of your generation I believe the destiny of your generation

I believe the destiny of your generation - and your nation - is a rendezvous with excellence. Lyndon B. Johnson
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Quotes & Wishes - In that order In that order

I am a freeman, an American, a United States Senator, and a Democrat, in that order.
Lyndon B. Johnson
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Quotes & Wishes - It is time now to write the next chapter It is time now to write the next chapter

We have talked long enough in this country about equal rights. It is time now to write the next chapter - and to write it in the books of law.
Lyndon B. Johnson
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Quotes & Wishes - It just may be It just may be

It may be, it just may be, that life as we know it with its humanity is more unique than many have thought.
Lyndon B. Johnson
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Quotes & Wishes - I’m tired I’m tired

I’m tired. I’m tired of feeling rejected by the American people. I’m tired of waking up in the middle of the night worrying about the war.
Lyndon B. Johnson
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Quotes & Wishes - Legislation Legislation

You do not examine legislation in the light of the benefits it will convey if properly administered, but in the light of the wrongs it would do and the harms it would cause if improperly administered.
Lyndon B. Johnson
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Quotes & Wishes - Not enough Not enough

Freedom is not enough.
Lyndon B. Johnson
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Quotes & Wishes - Peace Peace

Peace is a journey of a thousand miles and it must be taken one step at a time.
Lyndon B. Johnson
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Quotes & Wishes - Personally responsible for those being killed Personally responsible for those being killed

It is always a strain when people are being killed. I don’t think anybody has held this job who hasn’t felt personally responsible for those being killed.
Lyndon B. Johnson
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Quotes & Wishes - Presidents quickly realize… Presidents quickly realize…

Presidents quickly realize that while a single act might destroy the world they live in, no one single decision can make life suddenly better or can turn history around for the good.
Lyndon B. Johnson
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Quotes & Wishes - Symbols of human failure Symbols of human failure

The guns and the bombs, the rockets and the warships, are all symbols of human failure.
Lyndon B. Johnson
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Quotes & Wishes - The century of the educated man The century of the educated man

We have entered an age in which education is not just a luxury permitting some men an advantage over others. It has become a necessity without which a person is defenseless in this complex, industrialized society. We have truly entered the century of the educated man.
Lyndon B. Johnson
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Quotes & Wishes - The doors of opportunity The doors of opportunity

We must open the doors of opportunity. But we must also equip our people to walk through those doors.
Lyndon B. Johnson
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Quotes & Wishes - The genius of our Constitution The genius of our Constitution

It is the genius of our Constitution that under its shelter of enduring institutions and rooted principles there is ample room for the rich fertility of American political invention.
Lyndon B. Johnson
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Quotes & Wishes - The guardians of the gate The guardians of the gate

We did not choose to be the guardians of the gate, but there is no one else.
Lyndon B. Johnson
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Quotes & Wishes - The last thing I wanted to do The last thing I wanted to do

The last thing I wanted to do was to be a wartime President.
Lyndon B. Johnson
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Quotes & Wishes - The noblest search The noblest search

The noblest search is the search for excellence.
Lyndon B. Johnson
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Quotes & Wishes - The presidency The presidency

The presidency has made every man who occupied it, no matter how small, bigger than he was; and no matter how big, not big enough for its demands.
Lyndon B. Johnson
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Quotes & Wishes - The separation of church and state The separation of church and state

The separation of church and state is a source of strength, but the conscience of our nation does not call for separation between men of state and faith in the Supreme Being.
Lyndon B. Johnson
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Quotes & Wishes - Their descendants will Their descendants will

If the American people don’t love me, their descendants will.
Lyndon B. Johnson
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Quotes & Wishes - There are no problems we cannot solve together There are no problems we cannot solve together

There are no problems we cannot solve together, and very few that we can solve by ourselves.
Lyndon B. Johnson
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Quotes & Wishes - Tomorrow is ours Tomorrow is ours

Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.
Lyndon B. Johnson
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Quotes & Wishes - We live in a world that… We live in a world that…

We live in a world that has narrowed into a neighborhood before it has broadened into a brotherhood.
Lyndon B. Johnson
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Quotes & Wishes - What convinces is conviction What convinces is conviction

What convinces is conviction. Believe in the argument you’re advancing. If you don’t you’re as good as dead. The other person will sense that something isn’t there, and no chain of reasoning, no matter how logical or elegant or brilliant, will win your case for you.
Lyndon B. Johnson
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Quotes & Wishes - What we won What we won

What we won when all of our people united must not be lost in suspicion and distrust and selfishness and politics.
Lyndon B. Johnson
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Quotes & Wishes - When I was young When I was young

When I was young, poverty was so common that we didn’t know it had a name.
Lyndon B. Johnson
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Quotes & Wishes - When you’re talking When you’re talking

You aren’t learning anything when you’re talking.
Lyndon B. Johnson
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Quotes & Wishes - Without protection Without protection

A man without a vote is man without protection.
Lyndon B. Johnson
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Remind me<br>of this day Remind me of this day
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