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CalendarSeptember28 → National Day of Awareness and Unity against Child Pornography in Philippines

September 28 Events

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National Day of Awareness and Unity against Child Pornography in Philippines

National Day of Awareness and Unity against Child Pornography in Philippines is held on September 28. This event in the third decade of the month September is annual. Help us Help us 
28 September - National Day of Awareness and Unity against Child Pornography in Philippines
On September 15, 2007, the Children and Youth Secretariat of the Anti-Child Pornography Alliance (ACPA-Pilipinas) in the Philippines launched Batingaw Network "to protect and save children from all forms of abuses and exploitations." It is the largest anti-child pornography movement in the Philippines to date. It declared September 28 as the National Day of Awareness and Unity against Child Pornography.
Implementation of the Third National Plan of Action for Children for 2017-2022 (NPAC). The NPAC is a medium-term plan of action for children that lays the foundation and defines the key outcomes in achieving the SDGs by 2030. The Plan of Action includes the Philippine Plan of Action to End Violence Against Children (PPAeVAC) and the National Response Plan Against Child Pornography, among others.

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