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CalendarApril26 → World Pilots' Day

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World Pilots' Day

World Pilots' Day is held on April 26. This event in the third decade of the month April is annual. Help us Help us 
26 April - World Pilots' Day
Each year on April 26th, we commemorate World Pilots' Day to honor the incredible work of our pilots. These skilled professionals have safely transported millions of passengers worldwide, reuniting them with loved ones and playing a vital role in creating new stories. We express our heartfelt gratitude to all pilots for their dedication and expertise.
Despite the crucial role pilots play, there is a concerning industry trend to reduce the number of pilots at the controls of a plane from 2 to 1. It is important to raise awareness about this potential threat to aviation safety.
World Pilots' Day has a relatively brief but significant history. In 2013, the Turkish Airline Pilots Association initiated the day to highlight the contributions of Türkiye's first pilot, Fesa Evrensev, born in 1878. Recognizing the need for a global celebration, the International Federation of Air Line Pilots' Associations (IFALPA) designated April 26th as World Pilots' Day in 2014, exactly one year after its inception in Türkiye. This day serves as a tribute to all pilots worldwide and their indispensable role in aviation history.

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