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CalendarJune21 → National Indigenous Day in Chile

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National Indigenous Day in Chile

National Indigenous Day in Chile is held on June 21. This event in the third decade of the month June is annual. Help us Help us 
21 June - National Indigenous Day in Chile
The National Day of Indigenous Peoples is a holiday, held on June 21-24, which commemorates the indigenous peoples of Chile. This day is an opportunity for Chilean society to reflect on the multiethnic character and origin of Chile, so as not to forget the great cultural wealth preserved by the different indigenous peoples that make up the territory and that provide a local cultural identity and diversity in a context of Latin American and global cultural globalization.
It was declared by Supreme Decree No. 158 of June 24, 1998, by the government of President Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle, considering that the worldview of indigenous peoples contemplates rituals and spiritual ceremonies of renewal and purification corresponding to a new year or new cycle of life linked to nature that is reborn or renewed. This New Year's celebration or feast of the "Sun God", is called We Tripantu, Machaq Mara, Inti Raymi, Aringa Ora or Koro and Likan Antai, in the Mapuche, Aimara, Quechua, Rapa-Nui and Atacameño languages or ethnic groups respectively.
The New Year's celebration, for many indigenous peoples, begins with the winter solstice when the sun will approach the earth again to give way to the time of the new sowing and new sprouts. This natural event is celebrated with various rites, ceremonies and family gatherings, between June 21 and June 24 of each year.

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