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CalendarMay16 → Polish Border Guard Day

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Polish Border Guard Day

Polish Border Guard Day is held on May 16. This event in the second decade of the month May is annual. Help us Help us 
16 May - Polish Border Guard Day
Border Guard Day (Święto Straży Granicznej) - a Polish holiday celebrated on May 16 under the Border Guard Act, established by the Sejm of the Republic of Poland on July 21, 1995, commemorating the date of commencement of service of the newly formed formation, i.e. May 16, 1991.
The Border Guard was established by the Act of October 12, 1990, and its operation began on May 16, 1991 with the disbandment of the Border Protection Forces.
The Border Guard is a uniformed formation, subordinate to the Minister of the Interior and Administration, headed by the Commander-in-Chief of the Border Guard. The Border Guard Headquarters, which is located in Warsaw, performs a control and supervisory function over nine divisions: Morskie, Warmińsko-Mazurski, Podlaski, Nadbużański, Bieszczadzki, Carpathian, Śląski, Nadodrzański and Nadwiślański.
On the day of the Border Guard, we wish our colleagues peaceful service.

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