Clown Day in Italy
Clown Day in Italy is held on August 2. In Italy, they call it Internazionale pagliaccio giorni. This event in the first decade of the month August is annual. Help us
In Italy, they call it internazionale pagliaccio giorni.
The clown (derived from "paglia", from the traditional dress reminiscent of the rough cloth covering a straw mattress), also known with the English clown (derived from the Icelandic klunni in Italian clumsy), is the character who has the task to entertain the spectators, especially in circus shows. He is generally dressed in a funny way, but there is no shortage of examples of more romantic characters (for example some clowns have drawn a tear on their face and relatively more sober clothing) or bad versions, in this case in cinema or horror literature. In current language, the term can also refer to a behavioral way, typical of a person who is not very credible or accustomed to not taking an argument seriously, synonymous with buffoon, in a not necessarily negative sense, who loves to entertain his group.
Clown groups often celebrate just one day instead of en entire Week. They call it Clown Day or World Clown Day. In Mexico, Clown Day is December 10. In Peru, Clown Day is May 25. In other places, Clown Day is April 1st
The first Clowns: Some four thousand years ago in ancient China, a buffoon called Yusze, served at the court of Emperor Shih Huang-ti Chiiu. And the Emperor had one day each year for his buffon or clown.
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