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CalendarMay1 → Responsible Animal Guardian Month

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Responsible Animal Guardian Month

Responsible Animal Guardian Month is held on May 1. This event in the first decade of the month May is annual. Help us Help us 
1 May - Responsible Animal Guardian Month
Started by American animal welfare organisation In Defence of Animals, May is an opportunity for us all to ensure we're looking after our pets and treating them right.
In 2017, In Defense of Animals (IDA) dedicated the month of May to “promoting the life-saving language, actions and values of animal guardianship in regard to our fellow beings”. Their goal was to change the exploitative term “owner” to a more equal and respectful “guardian”, and even eliminate the demeaning term “pet” with the more accurate term “animal” or the accurate species for the animal we are referring to.
By pledging to drop the exploitative language of animal "ownership," we take a step toward bringing about a more positive relationship between human and nonhuman animals.
May is Responsible Animal Guardian Month, and what better time to look at some of the responsibilities involved in adopting a new pet, especially if he/she is rescued?
Humane, compassionate care includes seeing to the animal's physical, behavioral, social and psychological needs.

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