Whiner's Day
Whiner's Day is held on December 26. This event in the third decade of the month December is annual. Help us
We might get annoyed by whining, but God has been listening to a whole lot of it ever since he created the human race. Who says the day after Christmas isn’t a holiday in its own right? Started in 1986, National Whiner’s Day was founded by Reverend Kevin Zaborney from Caro, Michigan to remind people that they don’t need to whine but should be thankful.
Suggestions for celebrating National Whiner’s Day include visiting a mall or store to watch people whine as they return or exchange unwanted gifts, inviting friends over for a “Whine and Geeze” party, and holding a whining contest with family and friends.
This is especially true on the day after Christmas. Since the Christmas holiday is known for giving gifts, some people might feel a bit entitled and have a tendency to complain on the day after if they didn’t get what they wanted.
Similar holidays and events, festivals and interesting facts
HumanLight Day on December 23 (is a secular holiday that focuses on the "positive, secular human values of reason, compassion, humanity and hope");
Festivus on December 23 (a holiday made popular by the sitcom Seinfeld, as an alternative to the pressures and commercialism of the Christmas season);
Card Playing Day on December 28 (Playing cards are thought to have first been introduced to the world in China);
Tick Tock Day on December 29 (urges us to make the most of this time to complete those tasks that can be done in that time)