Constitution Day in Spain
Constitution Day in Spain is held on December 6. This event in the first decade of the month December is annual.
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On December 6, Spain celebrates Constitution Day, a national holiday that pays tribute to the Magna Carta of all Spaniards where their rights and duties, freedoms, the organization of the State and all constitutional guarantees are set out.
The celebration of Constitution Day has an important political and historical background, which commemorates the consolidation of democracy in the country, after the Franco dictatorship that lasted 40 years.
The Constitution Day is celebrated on December 6 in commemoration of the approval of the Constitution by the Spanish people.
On December 6, 1978, a referendum was held in Spain to approve the Constitution, with a single direct and simple question: Do you approve the draft Constitution? To which nearly 90% of Spaniards answered: Yes.
The first time Constitution Day was not celebrated in 1978. It had to wait until 1983 when it was decreed as a national holiday, to solemnize the date on which the Spanish people ratified the Constitution by referendum.
Therefore, it was in 1983 when this date was officially celebrated in Spain.