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CalendarNovember25 → Evacuation Day in New York

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Evacuation Day in New York

Evacuation Day in New York is held on November 25. New York City, New York, United States. This event in the third decade of the month November is annual. Help us Help us 
25 November - Evacuation Day in New York
While today’s November brings an onslaught of holiday preparation, Thanksgiving gatherings, and Black Friday shopping, past generations of New Yorkers celebrated this season with a different occasion.
Evacuation Day on November 25 marks the day in 1783 when the British Army departed from New York City on Manhattan Island, after the end of the American Revolutionary War. In their wake, General George Washington triumphantly led the Continental Army from his headquarters north of the city across the Harlem River, and south through Manhattan to the Battery at its southern tip.
On its first anniversary, Evacuation Day was remembered with the ringing of church bells, a flag raising on the flagpole at the Battery, and entertainment at the City Tavern - as reported by the New York Gazetteer. Encouraged by veterans and patriots of the Columbian Order or Tammany Society, Evacuation Day evolved into one of the city’s most important holidays and was observed as an official school holiday through the early 1800s at the height of its popularity.

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