Galician Literature Day or Día das Letras Galegas
Galician Literature Day or Día das Letras Galegas is held on May 17. Galicia. This event in the second decade of the month May is annual.
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Written Galician dates back to the 12th century. Galician shares a lot with Portuguese.
The Day of Galician Letters is a celebration instituted in 1963 by the Royal Galician Academy to honor those people who stand out for their literary creation in the Galician language or for their defense of said language. Each year it is dedicated to a different personality, chosen by the Royal Galician Academy, taking into account that at least ten years are required from his death. Since the establishment of this celebration, only in 1998 was there a joint dedication to the medieval poets Martín Codax, Xohán de Cangas and Mendinho, famous for their cantigas.
The date of celebration of this event, May 17, is due to the fact that on such a day, in 1863, the first copy of the work Cantares gallegos, by Rosalía de Castro, was published in Vigo, which would mark the beginning of the " Rexurdimento" or cultural renaissance of Galicia. It is a holiday in Galicia.
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