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CalendarJuly25 → Warmbronner Open Air

July 25 Events

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Warmbronner Open Air

Warmbronner Open Air is held on July 25. This event in the third decade of the month July is annual. Help us Help us 
25 July - Warmbronner Open Air
As always, there will be lots of music and partying on Saturdays and Sundays as well as an extensive program of activities for children and young people. Over 30 bands from the fields of rock, punk, pop, reggae, ska, funk, indie and metal. Free admission. Cozy festival area on the old forest sports field in Warmbronn.
The Warmbronn Open Air, also known as rockXplosion, has been taking place since 1985. It is organized by Jugendhaus Leonberg e.V. Originally launched on the occasion of the "Year of Youth", it has become a permanent fixture in the region around Leonberg.
The Warmbronner Open Air is one of the oldest open-air festivals in Baden-Württemberg. Admission to the festival has always been free.
The festival site offers plenty of space for camping. Of course, food and drink are also available at the festival site.

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