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CalendarAugust20 → Firefighters Day in Venezuela

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Firefighters Day in Venezuela

Firefighters Day in Venezuela is held on August 20. This event in the second decade of the month August is annual. Help us Help us 
20 August - Firefighters Day in Venezuela
This commemoration has been celebrated since August 20, 1972, due to the first Bolivarian Congress of Firefighters held in Maracaibo (Zulia State).
The holiday is dedicated to one of the most dangerous professions. Firefighters safeguard the life and property of citizens in case of fires, floods, accidents and natural disasters, even at the risk of their own lives.
The best known performance of firefighters is to extinguish fires and prevent them from spreading. But they also help in traffic accidents, rescuing people trapped in vehicles. During emergencies caused by nature, such as earthquakes or floods. Firefighters are always available, helping the population.

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