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CalendarJune25 → World Anti-Bullfighting Day

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World Anti-Bullfighting Day

World Anti-Bullfighting Day is held on June 25. This event in the third decade of the month June is annual. Help us Help us 
25 June - World Anti-Bullfighting Day
There are eight countries in the world where bullfighting is allowed. In Europe, only in Spain, Portugal and France bullfighting is legal. The list is completed with Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru and Ecuador. The idea is to proclaim loud and clear that bullfighting, bullfighting schools and the torture of bulls must be strictly prohibited.
To defend the abolition of bullfighting is to bet for the end of animal suffering. It is not understandable that in Spain the death of a bull is still celebrated. And that there are schools attended by minors. And where they are taught a few 'routines', which have the final objective of murdering a living being.
The weapons used during bullfights (pikes, banderillas-arpones and swords) are instruments of torture. They are used to pierce, lacerate and pierce the animal's body. In order to deplete its strength slowly and agonizingly. And as if the suffering caused were not enough, a dagger is used to 'finish it off'. And finally it is mutilated. And this is taught to children. Let's stop it.

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