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CalendarAugust17 → Vet Day in El Salvador

August 17 Events

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Vet Day in El Salvador

Vet Day in El Salvador is held on August 17. Día del veterinario. This event in the second decade of the month August is annual. Help us Help us 
17 August - Vet Day in El Salvador
Veterinary medicine is not just having a degree and saying I am a doctor, this is a job that they have to make their own, they must transmit it to those who are interested in learning. Happy Veterinary Doctor's Day! Congratulations for carrying out such a noble work, the care and respect you provide to animals.
In his clinic, the veterinarian has the appropriate medications and instruments to perform surgeries when necessary, from tweezers, scalpel, scissors, thread and other appropriate tools for this purpose. And there are some who have hospitals for their animal patients in their own clinic.

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