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CalendarNovember17 → Mitzvah Day International

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Mitzvah Day International

Mitzvah Day International is held on November 17. Inaugurated - 2005. Held on the third Sunday of November. This event in the second decade of the month November is annual. Help us Help us 
17 November - Mitzvah Day International
Mitzvah Day International is an annual day of faith-based social action that takes place each year, primarily in the United Kingdom. Mitzvah Day is the UK’s largest faith-led day of social action.
A Mitzvah, literally, is a commandment in Jewish law. However, it is often used to mean a good deed or an act of kindness, which is an integral part of Jewish life and is the basis for Mitzvah Day.
Mitzvah Day International was founded by Laura Marks in 2005, who, upon returning to her native UK from a period spent in Los Angeles, decided to bring the 'Mitzvah Day' concept she became familiar with through the Temple Israel of Hollywood synagogue back to the UK.
Origin of Mitzvah Day International: Big Sunday is a nonprofit organization based in Los Angeles, California. Founded in 1999, it is responsible for an annual community service event in Los Angeles, also called "Big Sunday", which has grown from its beginnings as a "Mitzvah Day" at a local Jewish temple to become the largest such community service event in the United States.
Social Action projects make a vital difference to the world around us and can include a wide variety of activities.

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