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CalendarNovember10 → Mortensaften or Sankt Morten Day in Denmark

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Mortensaften or Sankt Morten Day in Denmark

Mortensaften or Sankt Morten Day in Denmark is held on November 10. This event in the first decade of the month November is annual. Help us Help us 
10 November - Mortensaften or Sankt Morten Day in Denmark
Denmark's celebration of Mortensaften is in honour of Saint Martin of Tours, a Roman soldier born around the year 316 who deserted the Roman army due to his Christian faith and established the first monastery in Gaul. He was later canonized as a Christian saint.
Leaves in all shades of fall brilliance blanket the landscape, cracking and squishing as we walk. It is November. That means one thing: Mortensaften or in English, Eve of Saint Martin’s day, which falls on November 11.
History has it that Martin of Tours (Morten in Danish), was a soldier who later on became a monk. Deeply pious and religious, he was to be appointed the next bishop. Not wanting to attain higher office and preferring isolation over company, Martin hid in a goose pen trying to avoid the detection.
He went on to become first a bishop and later on a Saint. Furious at this betrayal, Martin declared that every November 10, goose be served as the main meal.
Mortensaften is celebrated on November 10 in commemoration of this event, which for some believers, also marks the last day of feasting before the start of the 40 day pre-Christmas fasting period.

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