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CalendarNovember19 → World Day for the Prevention of Violence against Children

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World Day for the Prevention of Violence against Children

World Day for the Prevention of Violence against Children is held on November 19. Created in 2000 by the Fund of the World Summit of Women. This event in the second decade of the month November is annual. Help us Help us 
19 November - World Day for the Prevention of Violence against Children
Child violence permanently disables 18,000 children and youth every year and seriously injures 565,000.Violence and neglect against children kills more than 3 children every day in America. Most of the children who die are younger than six years of age. Of these fatalities, 85 percent were under the age of six; 44 percent of the children were under the age of one.Almost 80 percent of the perpetrators are parents.
In 2000, the Women's World Summit Foundation (WWSF), a non-governmental organization, launched the World Day for Prevention of Child Abuse on November 19. WWSF, along with an international coalition of advocacy organizations for women and children's issues, mobilized governments and societies to take action and prevent child abuse. In 2001, American Psychological Association (APA), through its International Office, joined the coalition and also marked the day, November 19, as the World Day for the Prevention of Child Abuse. APA developed the following fact sheet, "Violence Against Children in the US," with information on violence against children in the US. It includes tips for identifying and preventing child abuse, with an outline of the association's contributions to child abuse prevention.

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