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CalendarJune20 → Memorial Day for Victims of Flight and Exile in Germany

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Memorial Day for Victims of Flight and Exile in Germany

Memorial Day for Victims of Flight and Exile in Germany is held on June 20. Since 2015. This event in the second decade of the month June is annual. Help us Help us 
20 June - Memorial Day for Victims of Flight and Exile in Germany
The Day of remembrance for the victims of flight and expulsion (Gedenktag für die Opfer von Flucht und Vertreibung) is a day of remembrance that takes place in Germany every year from 2015 on June 20 at the same time as World Refugee Day. On that day, the "worldwide victims of flight and expulsion and in particular the German expellees" are commemorated.
The day of remembrance was introduced by the federal government's decision of August 27, 2014. Since 2014, the Hessian and Bavarian memorial days for the victims of flight, expulsion and deportation and the Saxon memorial day for the victims of flight, expulsion and forced resettlement have been celebrated on the second Sunday in September.

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