National Dog Bite Prevention Week in US
National Dog Bite Prevention Week in US is held on April 14. The second full week of April. This event in the second decade of the month April is annual. Help us
All dogs can bite because all dogs have teeth. Always ask, “May I pet your dog?” Never bark or growl at a dog. Never leave young children and dogs unattended.
Socialization is a good way to help prevent your dog from biting. Socializing your pet helps your dog feel at ease in different situations. By introducing your dog to people and other animals while it's a puppy, it feels more comfortable in different situations as it gets older.
National Dog Bite Prevention Week takes place during the second full week of April each year, and focuses on educating people about preventing dog bites. With an estimated population of nearly 85 million dogs living in U.S. households, millions of people—most of them children—are bitten by dogs every year. The majority of these bites, if not all, are preventable.
Similar holidays and events, festivals and interesting facts
National Dog Fighting Awareness Day in US on April 8 (As part of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month in April, the ASPCA);
Bulldogs Are Beautiful Day on April 21 (They are related to the Asiatic Mastiff, which, according to historical records, lived in Mesopotamia around 4,000 BC);
International Guide Dog Day on April 30 (Last Wednesday in April);
Mayday for Mutts on May 4 (First Sunday in May)