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CalendarNovember10 → Forget-Me-Not Day

November 10 Events

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Forget-Me-Not Day

Forget-Me-Not Day is held on November 10. This event in the first decade of the month November is annual. Help us Help us 
10 November - Forget-Me-Not Day
If ever there were an unforgettable flower, it's the forget-me-not. Famous for their delicate blue flowers featuring yellow throats, when grown well, they're prolific bloomers that will flower throughout most of the growing season. U.S. Forget-Me-Not Day aims to change the way people view disabled veterans and help people remember again.
The botanical name, myosotis, comes from the Greek words “mus” for mouse and “otis” for ears, refers to the leaves that are shaped like mice ears. While the flowers don't have much scent during the day, they are very fragrant in the evening. many species are native to New Zealand. Forget-me-not is Alaska's state flower.

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