Umbrella Cover Day
Umbrella Cover Day is held on July 6. This event in the first decade of the month July is annual. Help us
The often overlooked part of an umbrella, umbrella covers often find themselves in the back of closets, in drawers, or in the trash, forgotten and unused. Umbrella Cover Day creates awareness and celebrates the importance of some mundane things in life that go unnoticed.
The name 'umbrella' comes from the Latin word 'umbra' which means shade or shadow. They were originally used to shade noblemen in ancient China. During the European Middle Ages, people protected themselves against sun and rain with long waterproofed coats and hats.
There is an Umbrella Cover Museum on an island off the coast of Maine. It's run by a woman named Nancy 3 Hoffman, who changed her middle name from Arlene to the integer 3 in 1992. Hoffman plays the accordion and wrote a Barack Obama Polka.
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