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CalendarJune23 → National Pecan Sandy Day in USA

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National Pecan Sandy Day in USA

National Pecan Sandy Day in USA is held on June 23. This event in the third decade of the month June is annual. Help us Help us 
23 June - National Pecan Sandy Day in USA
Pecans are one of the most popular edible nuts native to North America and Mexico. Pecans provide nearly 10 percent of the recommended Daily Value for zinc.
The pecan sandie is a common variety of the cookie. The Keebler Company has registered the brand name, Sandies, which it uses for a line of shortbread cookies. National Pecan Sandies Day comes around on June 23 every year, and whether you say it as ‘pee-can’ or ‘peh-kahn,’ we give you all the reasons to be excited about this textured, crunchy, buttery, tree nut.
These cute, buttery cookies are full of toasted pecans and make a delicious addition to a holiday cookie plate or bake sale.

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