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CalendarMarch3 → Rosenmontag in Germany

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Rosenmontag in Germany

Rosenmontag in Germany is held on March 3. Conducted the day before Ash Wednesday. This event in the first decade of the month March is annual. Help us Help us 
3 March - Rosenmontag in Germany
Rosenmontag, or Carnival Monday, is celebrated with street parades and parties where people dress up in costumes in some parts of Germany.
The name for the carnival comes from the German dialect word roose meaning 'frolic' and Montag meaning Monday. It was also originally used for the fourth Monday of lent because the pope traditionally consecrated a rose the Sunday before.
Rosenmontag is the highlight of Germany's six-day long pre-Lent Carnival festivities. The annual event is a chance for the public to dress up in fancy dress, lampoon each other and watch or take part in the street parades featuring no-holds-barred satire.

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