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4 мая 2024, суббота 04:55

№ 19483848

Новости - Украина

Новости - Украина
Новости - Украина - Политика


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03 Май
New perspectives for veterans: benefits and employment opportunities (E-News)
After returning to civilian life, war veterans often face a number of challenges, including finding work. However, benefits and guarantees of social protection for this category of citizens are legislated in Ukraine. The Law of Ukraine "On the Status of War Veterans, Guarantees of Their Social Protection" establishes a list of benefits granted to veterans upon employment. The Ukrainian Veterans' ...
01 Май
Risks and prospects of the new draft law on gambling in Ukraine (E-News)
At first glance, the new draft law on gambling, which was passed in the first reading on April 24, 2024, should be a step towards greater regulation and control in this area in Ukraine. However, according to Anton Kuchuhidze, the Chairman of the All-Ukrainian Gambling Council, the text of the document not only does not meet the requirements of transparency and adequacy, but can also become the ...
30 Апр
Ukraine is preparing to receive significant aid from Japan (E-News)
Ukraine is preparing to receive significant assistance from Japan in the form of more than 100 large generators with a total capacity of more than 130 MW. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Energy. It is noted that during the visit of the Ukrainian delegation to Japan, headed by the Minister of Energy Herman Galushchenko, a meeting was held with the leadership of the Japan ...
29 Апр
Changes in the conditions of admission to the master's degree for students with TOT: replacement of the EVI with an interview in a foreign language (E-News)
Plans to replace the Unified Entrance Examination (UEI) with a foreign language interview in a remote format were announced during a meeting of the Coordination Staff on De-occupied Territories. This initiative was presented by a representative of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. According to this decision, it became impossible to conduct the EVI for students from the temporarily ...
Новости - Украина - Экономика


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03 Май
Neue Vorlieben: Welche Banken werden von ukrainischen Freiberuflern ausgewählt? (E-News)
Unter ukrainischen Freiberuflern ist in jüngster Zeit das Interesse an der Monobank-Mobilbank gestiegen, während die Popularität der staatlichen Privatbank allmählich abnimmt. Dies belegen die Ergebnisse einer Studie des ukrainischen Freelance-Dienstes Freelancehunt. Den Ergebnissen der Untersuchung zufolge sind die TOP-5-Banken, die bei Freiberuflern am gefragtesten sind, ...
02 Май
Öffnung der Grenze zu Polen: Wie sie sich auf den ukrainischen Haushalt auswirkte (E-News)
Die Entscheidung, die Grenze zu Polen freizugeben, führte durch Zollzahlungen zu einer zusätzlichen Auffüllung des Staatshaushalts in Höhe von 2,5 Milliarden Griwna in nur einer Woche. Dies gab der Vorsitzende des Ausschusses für Finanz-, Steuer- und Zollpolitik der Werchowna Rada, Danylo Hetmantsev, bekannt. Ihm zufolge beliefen sich die Gesamteinnahmen des ...
02 Май
Kreditbedingungen in der Ukraine: Änderungen im Rahmen des 5-7-9%-Programms (E-News)
Das Ministerkabinett der Ukraine hat einen Beschluss über wesentliche Änderungen der Bedingungen des staatlichen Programms „5-7-9 %“ zur teilweisen Kompensation der Zinssätze gefasst. Nach Angaben der Nationalbank der Ukraine liegen diese Zinssätze derzeit zwischen 23 und 30 % pro Jahr. Die stellvertretende Wirtschaftsministerin der Ukraine, Nadiya Bihun, wies darauf hin, ...
Новости - Украина - Наука и Новые технологии

Наука и Новые технологии

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30 Апр
How to teach a child to draw: tips and methods (E-News)
Imagine the scene: your baby with a pencil or felt-tip pen in his hands, but his creativity on paper is not always clear yet. But do not despair - after all, the artist in him can be developed gradually. Let's look at a few important tips that will help you instill in your child a love and interest in drawing. Never suppress the creativity of a little artist. When your child brings his work and ...
30 Апр
Künstliche Intelligenz kommt Ärzten zu Hilfe (E-News)
Künstliche Intelligenz kann anhand einer Blutuntersuchung eine Arthrose des Kniegelenks acht Jahre früher erkennen als ein Röntgenbild. Diese Schlussfolgerung wurde auf der Grundlage von in Live Science veröffentlichten Forschungsergebnissen gezogen. Die Forscher analysierten das Blut von 200 weißen Frauen mittleren Alters ohne Arthrosesymptome, die seit 1989 ...
Новости - Украина - Здоровье


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03 Май
L'importanza vitale degli estrogeni: caratteristiche e ruolo nell'organismo femminile (E-News)
Gli estrogeni, un gruppo di ormoni femminili, svolgono un ruolo fondamentale nella regolazione di vari aspetti dell'organismo. Questi ormoni sono presenti anche nell'organismo maschile, ma in quantità minori. I principali tipi di estrogeni sono l'estradiolo, l'estriolo e l'estrone, ognuno dei quali svolge funzioni diverse nell'organismo. L'estradiolo è considerato l'estrogeno più ...
03 Май
Slimming in comfort: hot wraps at home (E-News)
Want to get rid of extra centimeters without leaving home? Hot home wraps are a great option. This method is not only inexpensive, but also effective, without the need to visit the gym and excessive physical exertion. Hot wraps help to increase blood circulation and create a sauna effect, which contributes to the active breakdown of fat cells and accelerate metabolism. As a result - a decrease in ...
02 Май
Was man für ein Neugeborenes anziehen sollte: Regeln und Empfehlungen (E-News)
Wenn ein Baby auf die Welt kommt, braucht es besondere Pflege und Komfort, wozu auch die richtig ausgewählte Kleidung gehört. Alle Eltern fragen sich, welche Kleidung sie für ihr Neugeborenes wählen sollen, vor allem in Abhängigkeit von der Jahreszeit. In den warmen Monaten braucht das Baby leichte und atmungsaktive Kleidung, während es in der kalten Jahreszeit ...
01 Май
How to interest a child in learning (E-News)
Learning is often a problem for children due to lack of interest or indifference. But instead of blaming it on teachers or children's laziness, it's important to understand what factors affect their motivation and how you can change the situation. Let's look into the eyes of the problem and find ways to solve it without unnecessary drama and stress. To understand what prevents a child from ...
01 Май
Come sviluppare la motricità fine nei bambini in età prescolare (E-News)
La motricità fine svolge un ruolo fondamentale nella vita quotidiana e nel successo scolastico dei bambini. Valutare lo sviluppo di queste abilità è una parte importante della preparazione scolastica. I compiti che richiedono abilità motorie fini sono ovunque, dall'abbottonare i bottoni all'imparare a scrivere e disegnare. Inoltre, lo sviluppo di questa abilità è ...
01 Май
Ätherisches Öl: ein Segen für die Pfefferminze (E-News)
Ätherische Öle werden schon seit Jahrhunderten in der Medizin und Parfümerie verwendet. Eine der beliebtesten und nützlichsten Ölsorten ist das Pfefferminzöl. Lassen Sie uns über seine erstaunlichen Eigenschaften und die richtigen Verwendungsmöglichkeiten sprechen. Es ist erwähnenswert, dass das ätherische Pfefferminzöl aus verschiedenen ...
30 Апр
Salute, bellezza, lusso nella vasca idromassaggio (E-News)
Jacuzzi - non è solo un lusso a disposizione dei proprietari di case e appartamenti, ma anche la possibilità di trasformare il loro spazio in un resort unico a casa o sul sito. La storia di questa straordinaria invenzione risale alla metà del XX secolo, quando l'azienda Candido Yakuzzi presentò i bagni idromassaggio mondiali, combinando l'uso di trattamenti acquatici e ...
30 Апр
Die Geheimnisse von Eleganz und Stil (E-News)
Es gibt Frauen, die immer perfekt gekleidet und gepflegt sind, aber manchmal passt ihr Verhalten nicht zu ihrem Aussehen, was ihr Image zerstört. Wie erreicht man Eleganz? Schlüsselwörter zu diesem Konzept - Ordnung, Reinheit und Einfachheit. Aussehen und Stimmung Stellen Sie sich richtig. Halten Sie den Rücken gerade, vermeiden Sie es, sich zu bücken und in unbequemen ...
30 Апр
Secrets of stretch control (E-News)
Stretch marks are a problem that many women face, especially during pregnancy. They may appear for various reasons, but there are ways to prevent their formation. Proper nutrition. It is important to consume at least 2 liters of liquid per day and eat in a balanced way, avoiding excess carbohydrates, salt and sugar. Protein-rich foods, seafood, fruits and vegetables should be included in the ...
29 Апр
How to Keep Your Legs Healthy: Tips for Taking Care Of Your Supports (E-News)
Runners and athletes often rely on their legs for support, balance and strength. Feet are key to their success, and their care is essential. If you do not pay due attention to your feet, it can lead to discomfort, injuries and infections. 1. Choosing the right shoes It is important to invest in quality shoes, especially if you do sports regularly. Shoes should be comfortable and fit. Remember ...
Новости - Украина - Культура


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02 Май
Strengthening cultural ties: Estonia returns cultural heritage artifacts to Ukraine (E-News)
On April 30, the National Museum of the History of Ukraine held a solemn presentation of 274 archeology artifacts, among which 115 are ancient coins. These cultural values were previously illegally exported from Ukraine, but thanks to the efforts of Estonian border guards, they returned to their homeland. This was reported in the press service of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine. "Now, ...
30 Апр
Kharkiv is renaming metro stations and streets (E-News)
In Kharkiv, there will be significant changes in the toponymy of the city, in particular, two metro stations and about 370 streets whose names are associated with the aggressor country will be renamed. This was reported by representatives of the Kharkiv City Council. On April 26, a meeting of the city commission on toponymy and protection of the historical and cultural environment was held, at ...
Новости - Украина - В мире

В мире

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30 Апр
Spendensammlung in der Slowakei zur Unterstützung der Ukraine: Bürger helfen ohne Regierung (E-News)
Die Menschen in der Slowakei haben die Initiative ergriffen und bereits fast 4 Millionen Euro für den Kauf von Munition für die Ukraine gesammelt, obwohl ihre Regierung sich weigert, die ukrainische Armee zu unterstützen. Diese Daten werden auf der Website der jeweiligen Bürgerinitiative veröffentlicht. In den 12 Tagen seit Beginn der Initiative (Stand: 27. April 2024) ...
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